Love on the Screen

Love on the Screen

Since the holiday of love is soon upon us, we would like to recommend a few films you can watch with your favorite companion. Don't waste your precious time together watching convential Hollywood celluloid. Save that for your private time. Go off the path as a couple and take a chance on something unfamiliar. You never know what you will find but at least you'll be taking that risk together.  

The following movies are some we think you should explore. Just like Minka, they are small, indie, and full of heart. 


 Kisses (2008)

Two kids, Dylan and Kylie, run away from home and spend a night of magic and terror on the streets of inner-city Dublin.

From critic Kenneth Turan: "Small though it is, Kisses evokes all kinds of feelings,and that is no small thing from a film of any size."


Medicine for Melancholy (2008)

Waking from a one-night stand that neither remembers, Micah and Joanne find themselves wandering the streets of San Francisco, sharing coffee and conversation and searching for a deeper connection.

From critic Mick LaSalle: " Writer-director Barry Jenkins demonstrates a rare ability to communicate a state of mind through images. We don't just know what the characters are feeling. We know what the filmmaker is feeling and what he's trying to communicate with every shot. Under the subdued, dignified surface, this movie - about the 24 hours after a one-night stand - churns with a filmmaker's fascination and wonder, sadness and longing."


The One I Love (2014)

On the brink of separation, Ethan and Sophie escape to a beautiful vacation house for a weekend getaway in an attempt to save their marriage. What begins as a romantic and fun retreat soon becomes surreal, when an unexpected discovery forces the two to examine themselves, their relationship, and their future.

From critic Micheal O'Sullivan: "Duplass and Moss are so good, and their reactions to the frankly nutty circumstances of the film are so plausible, that the preposterous premise of the story hits home both conceptually and emotionally."


 Lars and the Real Girl (2007)

Sometimes you find love where you’d least expect it. Just ask Lars, a sweet but quirky guy who thinks he’s found the girl of his dreams in a life-sized doll named Bianca. Lars is completely content with his artificial girlfriend, but when he develops feelings for Margo, an attractive co-worker, Lars finds himself lost in a unique love triangle, hoping to somehow discover the real meaning of true love.

From critic Helen O'Hara: "The prospect of an indie rom-com about a man’s love affair with one such fake female sounds icky, but, surprisingly, under the grubby covers lies a warm, rather sweet film."


What do you think? Have you seen any of the above films? Did you like, not like? Let us know. We love a good movie discussion. 

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